A very successful Neighbourhood Watch Meeting

20161115_192251Some 14 members and 2 visitors attended the meeting on Tuesday evening.
Bill and Ivan came from Werrington NHW and gave a talk on how they engage with getting new members in the Werrington area. They also advised us on the types of crime they experience within their group area – a great deal different to that which in general is occurring within Whittlesey.

Chairman Roy Gerstner advised the group of our new PSCO is Shane Green who has been allocated Whittlesey as his patch. We will distribute details of PCSO Green in the near future.
Also announced was that Whittlesey NHW has a new sponsor – who will support the group in the replacement and new signage for 2017 more details will be sent to the membership.

Main issues reported back to Fenland Police was:
Alleged Drug Dealing at Aliwal Bridge on a regular basis
Inconsiderate Parking at Schools and Road Junctions
Vehicles using High Causeway during restricted hours/

Today Thursday, it was reported that there was a white male – ‘Begging’ along Syers Lane – near the Co-OP, it is illegal under the Vagrancy Act 1824 to do so, the act applies to all public places. I understand this has been reported to the Police.
It was NOT the ‘Big Issue’ seller who has a licence to carry out his/her business.

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