Disclaimer: These observations are not the ‘official’ minutes of the meeting, these are supplied by Whittlesey Town Council, normally (1) month following the meeting and can be viewed on their website.
Part II from last nights meeting.
Bower River
Councillors were advised that the River bank along the Bower opposite the Manor Field, is eroding and could cause issues with the Toe-Path – the community Payback Team will cut the grass along the pathway.
Village Noticeboards
The council approved spending £412:00 per noticeboard for each of the villages, Coates, Eastrea, Pondersbridge and Turves.
I am not sure of the history behind this decision.
However the council some 6 years ago had no money to replace the vandalised noticeboard in Eastrea and the rotten board in Coates.
As chairman of Whittlesey Street Pride at the time (January 2010). We offered to replace at our cost both noticeboards. The one in Eastrea was made to a very high standard in vandal resistant metalwork and plexiglass, the one in Coates was made by a local tradesman from wood.
As far as I am aware neither have been vandalised in that time. The keyholders names and phone numbers were on display.
The question not asked at last nights Council meeting was ‘why’ they were being replaced and at a cost to the ratepayer of some £1648:00 – are these ‘new’ noticeboards to be of a quality to be ‘Vandal resistant’.
Eastrea Old Notice Board Eastrea New Notice Board Coates New Notice Board