I am just emailing to let you know about our monthly event called Love Your Home, part of the MMC project. Making Money Count is a £1m Big Lottery funded project providing everyday help with money; increasing confidence in managing your money at home and online.
Our events give people the chance to have a go at crafts, DIY, cooking, up-cycling of furniture and we have raffles and free CCORRN memberships at each event.
The event is free and everyone is welcome – we have a different theme each month and encourage people to give us ideas about what we can make at future events.
Our next event is on the 15th November at the Queen Mary Centre, Wisbech and its 10:30-13:00.
We have free tea, coffee and biscuits and in November we have free soup and crusty rolls.
If you could promote the event to anyone you think would enjoy coming we would much appreciate it –I have attached a flyer and included the link to our Facebook page for more info and pictures.
We also have a craft fair on the 15th December (same place and time) and have FREE stall for anyone that wants one – as long as the products being sold have been made or created in some capacity as we want to keep the home-made feel for the event.