There is now an out of sync Planning Meeting of Whittlesey Town Council scheduled for
Friday 23rd September at 14:00 (WTC Grosvenor Road)
On the agenda is a presentation from Taylor Wimpy on land to the South of Eastrea Road Whittlesey – this land has for many years had various owners with planning permission, then of course, Tesco’s ® wanted to build there and now we have the most recent applicants, as far as I am aware and I maybe wrong, but I thought they had planning permission for this land…. (It has been ‘Land Banked’ for development for some considerable time).
Then another interesting application is that of F/YR16/0746/O along Coates Road – another piece of ‘Green Field’ wanted to be built on – plus with the proposed 16 houses, access onto an already busy A605?
I am hoping to attend……
Click on Picture to enlarge.
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