Sunday Morning – Could Have Done Better

Thought I would take a look around just before the start of BusFest at 07:45, only to find that either our Street Cleaners had NOT done a very good job (Which is unusual) or they had not yet arrived.
I Litter Picked 2 bags worth of Saturday nights left overs before having another appointment elsewhere and left plenty along Queen Street and some around the Town Centre, when I left the first of the Vintage Buses were arriving along with some public.
Normally – Our Street Cleaners are on the ball – but not today for some reason….maybe they turned up later after I had gone…. Someone had moved all the ‘Planters’ ready for the Buses…

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160515-11Whilst out early I saw that Network Rail had been busy most of the night, carrying out planned maintenance of the Level Crossing.
Similar to last week at Kings Dyke Crossing – a great number of vehicles, – either did not read the signage or could not read the signage as many tried to approach the Crossing to find it Closed For Traffic.
A number of vehicles then had to turn around at the junction of the Limes, 2 or 3 with trailers had great difficulty – READ the SIGNS…!!!



The website is have a few days holiday…. unless there is anything major that is….

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