12th May 1976 – 12th May 2016

40th Engagement Anniversary 01AOn Wednesday the 12th May 1976 it was my parents ‘Silver/25th Wedding Anniversary’, Connie and I got engaged to be married on the very same day.
The following Saturday 15th, we had a really good party with around 200 people in the House/Garden and Garage, depending on the age group. The ‘Party’ carried on throughout the night, and various ‘guests’ were found the next morning, including one ‘friend’ who slept on the Mature Heap’ – what happy, carefree and stress free days….!!!

Alas both of my parents have passed on, but Connie and I celebrated at Vesuvio’s here in Whittlesey last night. We always enjoy the food and service.

Maria and Pepe are big supporters of many organisations in and around Whittlesey.
Rated #1 out of 18 in Whittlesey on TripAdvisor©

1976 Engagement 02 1976 Engagement 01

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