Crime Stats from Whittlesey Police Team

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Crimes since last meeting are 60 compared with 55 last year. 27 of these crimes are theft from vehicle; most theft of items from but some being catalytic convertors. We had extra patrols in place with officers being drafted from Wisbech, March and Peterborough.
We made good use of social media and asked the local schools to send out parent mail all to encourage people to lock their cars and not leave tempting items in sight.
The mini crime spree lasted a couple of nights then stopped as quickly as it started.
We have had no house burglaries reported but have had 2 sheds being broken into. 

Incidents have risen to 249 from 214 last year. This may be because “101” waiting times (from what I’m told) are much shorter than they used to be – as I type you would get through in one ring) and there is now a call back facility that was added earlier this year. 

We have one particular area that is having repeated issues with young people hanging around, I won’t say where this month as we have plans afoot and I don’t want to jeopardize them.
The speed gun has been returned to us having had its annual calibration – if anyone would like to come out with us and target a particular road on their ward then please get in touch.

Patrols continue along High Causeway – tickets are being issued.
The team remains based at Whittlesey Police station with a sergeant, a PC, 2 PCSO’s and our Special Constabulary Sergeant.

Whittlesey NHW will be going out with our PCSO to conduct speeding within the area.
If you have a specific area/road of concern please contact me (R.G.)

To visit Cambridgeshire Constabulary’s website please follow this link:

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