There was 4 members of the public – including myself.
All councillors except Cllr J. Windle. (personal reasons)
After the presentation of the Citizen of the Year Award, there was the CCTV and Police report (coming later).
An absolute fantastic presentation by Cathy Carlisle (Head Teacher AJS) and Jonathan Digby (Principal SHS Academy) on a multitude of successes and plenty of ‘vision’ for the future of education in our area.
Their presentations took around 50 minutes – so I can not compress into a short note.
Basically, ‘most’ of our primary schools will ‘join’ up seamlessly with Sir Harry Smith Academy. This will have benefits in teaching, staff levels and support.
The (Government) want all schools to become an academy.
Mr. Digby is very passionate about the schools in our area, having met him on occasions, it is wonderful to have such a Head Teacher – with ‘vision’ and determination.
Mr. Digby has been Head of SHS for 8 years and this commitment and continuity shows in Ofsted reports and results pupils are achieving at the school.
Public Forum – I brought to the attention of the Council – The Vision 2020 and beyond for Wisbech and asked ‘Where is Whittleseys Vision’. I also congratulated Mr Digby on his achievements at the school.
There was a lengthy debate on Financial Regulations regarding funds held in accounts by the Council and this was passed by a majority vote.
The other major update, although time was running out was a shortish update by Cllr D Laws on the Neighbourhood Plan (NP) at last I’ve heard someone else use the word ‘Vision’ for Whittlesey – I am over the moon. There is some movement in asking for help and assistance in getting things going. This is going to be a very long progress.
The other quite lengthy debate concerned the Anaerobic Digestion Plant at land adjacent to Horsey Toll Farm (Peterborough City Council) – WTC recommended refusal (2nd time).
Finally there is a ‘New’ Group forming ‘Mud Walls’ trying to keep our heritage and history of these walls in/around Whittlesey. If you are interested in joining this group, please get in touch and I’ll pass on your details.
Rest of meeting was business as usual – Tonight I heard the word ‘Vision’ on 7 occasions.
Roy Gerstner