Thank you New Queen Street Surgery

0040‘A lot of negativity’ yet again ‘looking only’ on social media…once one ‘issue’ is sorted, ‘they’ move onto another ‘normally’ minor issue.
I believe and have had my fair share of ‘complaints’, however when something goes very well why not give that an airing as well.
Over the weekend I was not well, so knowing how difficult it is trying to get an appointment at NQS, I go and queue outside at 07:45, today I was first in line, by the time the doors opened 08:00 there was 13 people behind me!.
Asked and got an appointment for 09:30, said I would wait, everyone behind me got an appointment! – was actually called at 08:15 and seen by doctor…..what a stroke of luck.
All done and I have to say on this occasion a very happy customer.
I know this doesn’t happen all the time.
Tonight I will attend the NQS Patients Participation Group meeting at 7pm
I am an original member of the PPG and we get to hear about the Surgery at first hand, plus the group can ask and make ‘some’ recommendations.
It is NOT a forum for complaints, the surgery has a set format for this.

You can register for a lot of online services see link below.

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