Fantastic Street Pride Event – More Rubbish & Litter….

18 of us ‘Volunteers’ turned out today, in one of our ‘favourite’ areas….Peterborough Road & Kings Delph…. there was a phenomenal amount yet again with plenty more to still collect?
SP 160312-03‘We’ collected 28 full bags of litter/rubbish/paper/fast food containers a bicycle and a fly-tipped box which contained various paperwork, plus the box had the addressee name on it – I have no problem naming and shaming this person from Peterborough….how and why did this box get to Kings Delph Lay-by, but I understand that this may well prejudice further investigations.

The SP group have collected well over 7 Tons – yes you read correctly 7 tons of litter rubbish from this area alone over the past 9+ years.
It is never ending, this area is the most regular of all of Whittlesey the group covers.
Fred Mills (Chairman) also litter-picks the area regularly.
Yes there is still plenty there and it will not go away, it can wait until the next event, we can only ‘devote’ so much time and effort.

Whilst doing my bit along Peterborough Road, I came across a ‘fresh’ dead fox, probably only dead for a hour or two.
The next event is on Saturday 26th March, meeting at the Ramsey Road Lay-by….why not join us for a bit of fresh air and gentle exercise.
Yes SP have planted several trees in the area, besides the 10,000 daffodils.

160310A- Dead Fox Peterborough Road SP 160312-01A
(Click on pictures to enlarge)

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