At last night’s WTC council meeting, Mr Bernard Gray-Esson (Vice Chairman Whittlesea Street Pride). Highlighted the increase in reported Fly-Tipping within the area. He told the council that it was all well, reporting and the Street Scene/Rapid Response acting – there needs to be a more pro-active roll in catching and making an example of those responsible.
The latest being found by RB again near Lattersley Hill and Turning Tree Road
Mr Gray-Esson reported on the (2) latest events, which were well advertised, both events he said were dis-appointing in that NO members of the public attended.
The events being The Clean up at the Railway Station and Clean up for the Queen event, both being well supported by Street Pride members. As usual a ‘lot’ of rubbish and litter was removed on both events.~
Cllr Mrs Mayor reported that she was disappointed that other than herself, NO other councillor attended the Railway clean up.
She reported that there is an open meeting regarding Railway issues and a presentation will be held at Fenland Hall – Wednesday 16th March between 18:00 to 20:00
(Thanks to RB for the photos)