Tour of Cambridgeshire 2017

So after a ‘good’ flogging on StreetLife© (Don’t ‘we’ just love them), ‘they’ again have only got part of the story.
Lets go back to the (2) previous Cycle events which passed by our town…I was there!!!!

The facts are that both events were on the whole very well and professionally put together, they have to be. All safety measures are in place and all agencies concerned were present.
C of the Fens 03 270714At the first event, many people turned out to see the start of the race, then all but a ‘few’ left, as there was nothing else to do?
At the second event, WTC along with ‘some’ businesses decided to have it more ‘family friendly’, this included things for children too do and some stalls selling goods.
However – again, by and large after the ‘riders’ passed through the town, most people cleared off.
C of the Fens 02 270714It was very disappointing that the few local businesses that made a brave attempt, found it was not that successful, however the feedback was they had ‘networked’ a great deal – this did not turn into £££££.
The (Third) event was cancelled due to various reasons, one being financial.

As far as ‘complainers’ (I read SL©) about rubbish – on both occasions Whittlesea Street Pride did a fantastic job of clearing up
C of the Fens 270714most of the rubbish, FACT – SP had a team at Oil Mills Road, where the riders took drink and refreshment, the SP team were there most of the day and cleared up as needed and at the end of the event as well.
The SP Group were/are all volunteers and received no payment what-so-ever, as they/I do at many events if they are asked by the organisers.
Everyone on this occasion can register if they are in favour or not on the Whittlesey Town Council Website.
Now…. will the council reveal the numbers in favour and those not in favour – I do not know, will any weight be given to the views of those who registered – I do not know.

There is also the ‘question’ of ‘cost’, considering how you ‘rate’ the ‘success’ of the previous two events, we/I ask is there any costs and if so how much – we the rate payer may well be asked to ‘contribute’ to the event…(this has happened before)
Finally for the time being, like ALL outside events (Strawbear© included) the amount of public participation depends on the good old British Weather……come rain or shine.

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