Police & Crime Commissioners Office

During my engagements I have come across some information that may be of interest to yourselves and local residents:

Environmental Waste.

Before Christmas I had an interesting meeting with the Enforcement Team Leader at the Environment Agency. I was informed that there is a growing problem of illegal waste dumping within Cambridgeshire. As a result, they have put together a poster to raise awareness of this problem within our communities: ‘Don’t get dumped on’.
As the attached poster and flyer details, teams of criminals are approaching land / property owners, offering cash to store waste. They promise to return and remove the waste, but they do not – leaving the land / property owner with large quantities of potential unsafe waste. The message encapsulates concerns about the large scale illegal dumping of waste and linked serious fire and environmental risks.

Those at risk would be farmers or landlords of warehouses and land, and it occurs in both rural and urban settings.
Anyone can report suspicious activity to the Environment Agency via their 24-hr incident line 0800 807060, Crimestoppers 0800 555111 or via the 101 service.

Poster for support sessions Jan – March 2016

Local Voluntary Organisations.
On a more positive note, I am trying to raise awareness of support services for community and voluntary groups within Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. We are really trying to empower and support local groups as we recognise the amazing work they do within our local communities.

Some information on the Cambridge Council for Voluntary Service who offer guidance and training for organisations across the Fenlands. They are hosting a number of workshops and sessions over the next three months that may also be of interest (also attached).

Please do forward the posters on to any of your local groups that may benefit from this service, or give their office a call on 01223 464696 for more information. 

I hope this is of some use to you. As always, please do contact me if you have any enquires.
Best wishes,

Emily Gutteridge.
Outreach Worker – Peterborough and Fenland
Office of the Cambridgeshire Police & Crime Commissioner

Email: Emily.Gutteridge@cambs.pnn.police.uk
Mobile: 07894 482898
Mobex: 7112652

Web: http://www.cambridgeshire-pcc.gov.uk/

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