Showfields Planning

Showfields Promo

Showfields Promo

Probably the top ‘concern’ to us all. I ‘hear/read’ what the latest is in ‘SL©’ from the anonymous ‘Fenman’ – some valid points, but….Mr Fenman has either not fully understood the last 2+ years of arguments and of course Planning Law.
When (the previous Town Councillor) ALL rejected the application, FDC planning committee also rejected the application.
Mr Rose went to appeal. We had a very active SAG – Showfields Action Group armed with a war chest of £20,000 to fund the legal battle, the appeal failed and ‘we’ all thought it would go away for a while. Many previous applications over the last 30 years.
No Mr Rose and his legal team came back with an amended application which addressed most of the ‘issues’ for rejection.
FDC planners and committee had ‘little or no grounds’ given the ‘information given to them but to ‘approve’ the application. There was NO further £20K raised to fight the case
Months and months later, public meetings, WTC sub-committee, we/I hope to hear tonight at WTC monthly council meeting whether/if/maybe/not there is any chance (risks involved/costs) any ‘opportunity’ to challenge the planning applications decision process.
I am sure we are all waiting for some decisions?

Many people have all agreed on one aspect, the whole charade is – Who has the deepest pocket’ – and I would say given FDC’s record Mr Rose has the deepest pocket!

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