Further to my Council meeting update regarding Cllr David Mason trying to get a late night bus service restored. I have now spoken at length with Billy Wright (Married to Penny Morley of ‘Morleys Bus Co). I was correct in my article, in fact Billy has explained the several reasons their business suffered.
The late night buses running from Peterborough to Whittlesey, suffered several issues with vandalism, stones and bricks being thrown at their buses (Mainly in the Stanground Area), they also cut back their services, due to drivers not wanting to work later hours. Billy always had to be ‘on call’ in case of incidents and at the time when reported to the police- was not given a great deal of help or support.
Other reasons was they suffered from diesel theft on many occasions and their insurance doubled year on year.
The Morley Bus Co ran in Whittlesey from 1922 to 2005
I actually worked for John Morley (Snr) when I was at school. I worked Sunday afternoons on the Petrol Station/Pump on West End from 2pm to 9pm I was paid £1:00 for my efforts in 1967.
(remember a ‘Gallon of Petrol was 25p and you could get 8 pints of beer for £1:00)
Billy is still involved with Buses and informs me that ALL bus companies have to run like ALL businesses at a profit – If there is No profit – simples – Go bust.
Billy and Penny have been married for well over 40 years.
Pennys brother John Morley (Jnr) still lives in Whittlesey.
So now you’ve had the FACTS – no rumour or hearsay.
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