Time for a ‘Change’ – Street Pride

Roy G 01Last week after some deliberation, I decided to resign my position as Vice Chairman of Whittlesea Street Pride. I was until recently the Chairman for 6 years.
My reasons are many, I just feel uncomfortable with how the new management committee works.
Don’t miss-quote me, I think many of the committee have and will do a very good job. This is a personal decision.
My ability in time management was also becoming very challenging as I am involved in many other organisations/voluntary groups and Street Pride was becoming far too onerous.
I believe I have left a ‘fantastic’ legacy in terms of Financial stability and Public Relations.
Sometimes when someone has been ‘in charge’ for a long time – it is ‘time’ for a change.
I remain a ‘mortal litter picker’ and naturally wish the group every continuing success.

Fred M 01      Rob K 01   Digital image
Fred Mills Chair          Rob Kent Treasurer     Peter Davies Secretary
David P 01     Bernard 01  Alan H 01  Margaret P 01
David Palmer                Bernard Gray-Esson  Alan Hobbs                  Margaret Palmer
All Management Committee Members of Whittlesea Street Pride

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