Celebration – 10 Years of Street Pride

SP 151008-05BThursday evening, a group of us attended the 10 Year celebration of Fenland Councils ‘Street Pride’ – A fantastic achievement by all 12 groups now involved, plus now the ‘In Bloom Groups’ and ‘Friends Groups’. I was invited to give a ‘Key Note Speech’, my theme was the success of Whittlesea Street Pride – Its history, objectives and statistics. We have collected in excess of 43,000 Kgs of Rubbish and Litter over the 8 years our group has been going, we were the 2nd group to be formed. We are the largest, most pro-active, and best self financed. Our success is due to ALL our ‘volunteers’, friends and sponsors of – Whittlesea Street Pride. I did specifically ask, Paul Medd Chief Exec of FDC and Cllr Peter Murphy to commit supporting voluntary groups like ours through these austere
SP 151010-02  Signage College Clown
More signage along Peterborough Road –  I suggest this they join this graffitied signage

On Saturday we conducted our regular Litter pick at Kings Delph, this is ‘The worst area’ in our area – we have removed in excess of 8,000 Kgs of Rubbish/Litter – that’s correct 8 TONS….I’ve harped on about discarded Road Signage many times in the past…well I am having yet another go…as NO Councillor has taken this up!!!!! – We regularly removed discarded signs, they are normally bent and twisted by the time we rescue them. Now we’ve remove ‘Hundred’s in our time, imagine just around Whittlesey – if each sign cost say £50…. The amount the ‘Contractors to Cambs CC are wasting, Now multiply this all over the County… again a Big Amount….Now all illustrious councillors are looking at ways of saving money? we I suggest starting HERE…

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