Photo sent by a correspondent, tyres dumped Stonald/Green Wheel area, was reported and pleased to say FDC’s Rapid response team cleared away.
There is normally a £5:00 charge on the disposal of ‘old’ tyres, when you buy new ones from a reputable company.
Today see’s a 5p charge on plastic carrier bags, some confusion on when the charge will be made, why make it complicated – just charge 5p that’s the end of it. Of course the swindling chancellor will be making something like £17 million from charging VAT on the 5p, Steve Barclay our MP told me when I have asked him to support a charge on Cans and Bottles, ‘It would cost too much to administer’.
Now his Maths and mine differ somewhat – how does +£17 million equate to administer charges, it is the shops that is doing ALL the work and administration….
Still Mr Barclays ‘was’ a former banker – maybe that explains it? (Pun)