Why ? – Are We ? – being excluded Again ?

There is a ‘public’ consultation into how to improve non-emergency patient transport in Cambridgeshire. Part of this will be ‘meetings’ held in Yes – every other market town, Wisbech, March and Chatteris – except us WE in Whittlesey have again been left out.
We have (2) active Patient Participation Groups (I am an original member of the New Queen Street PPG), we have a vocal strong chairman, so why are residents being disadvantaged by there not being a public meeting at our Town.
I will be attending one of these meetings and have made my displeasure known to the chair of the PPG and a couple of our councillors.
In the meantime if you or your relatives may be affected, you may request a hard copy, by phoning 01223 725304. Hard copies are also being sent to GP surgeries, pharmacies and libraries.

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