Policing Priorities in the Whittlesey Area

The format on how and when public engagement takes place for Neighbourhood Policing priorities are forever ‘Changing’.
Our PCSO Ian Moll (The last remaining out of the 4 we had at one time) is very pro-active and engages very well. He recently had his ‘engagement’ on the Markey Place and later at the Council offices for those who are at work.
Here are his stats…of what the ‘peoples’ concerns area….

30 speeding
29 dog fouling
12 general ASB
11 fly tipping-littering
8 street drinking
6 parking
3 vandalism
2 graffiti
1 vehicle crime
1 burglary

I’m pleased with this as clearly shows that the time I spend with parking has paid off with it not getting many concerns.
The Police will concentrate on speeding and will work with FDC on the issue of dog fouling.

If you have any concerns, please don’t just moan about it – either let your ‘Own’ Councillor know, let me know or why not join in with ‘Neighbourhood Watch’ – another very pro-active group within Whittlesey & Villages.

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