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Welcome to the latest edition of your neighbourhood policing newsletter
From Saxongate Residents Group.
A planning permission has gone in for the stabilisation of the Southern Face of Saxon Pit. This is needed to improve the original restoration works and to prevent landslides. Saxongate will be studying the proposals as a consultee.
The Southern face runs next to the railway line so is further from houses.
Please see the notification letter attached = CCC/24/078/FUL (link below)
The deadline is the 04/09/2024
Regarding other matters we have seen an increase in odour complaints and some dust complaints. Please do keep reporting to the Environment Agency (EA) whenever you are impacted – 24/7 on 0800 80 70 60. We are seeing more engagement from the EA and FDC environmental health on this matter.
We are also pushing along with detailed objections to planning application CCC-24-048-FUL – the proposed Metal Recycling Facility at Saxon Pit. We await a response from Cambridgeshire County Council and a possible meeting date where the public can ask to speak.
We also need to keep growing our membership so do pass on our details. People can contact us on this email or via Facebook if they wish to join :-
This is really important now so we can share information as a community,
The small print:-
We will never give your data to third parties and will only email you about Saxongate relevant information.
If you wish to be removed from the mailing list just reply stop or remove to this email.
We also need to keep growing our membership so do pass on our details.
People can contact us on this email or via Facebook if they wish to join :-
Please do keep reporting any issues and we will endeavour to keep pushing forward. If you suffer any noise, smells or dust please do still report it to the Environment Agency 24/7 on 0800 80 70 60
GCOR 2024 08 14 Letter to consultees
Oh I’ll be in trouble again, vandalism happens all the time everywhere, it just seems to increase during school holidays.
Latest – Manor Field (again), St Mary’s Church Yard (again), and now the Yobs have found our lovely Jubilee Wood – It is realy heartbreaking that ‘they’ want to destroy newly planted tree’s – many donated in memory of a loved one –
The web pages can be found at:
Please find below summaries of the latest news from our courts over the last week – click on each headline to read the full story.
Drug dealer hid cocaine in lay-by bin
Robber jailed after violent assault
Burglars stole tools and sold them on Facebook
Woman bit, kicked and punched five victims
Burglar jailed for town hall break-in
Northampton drug dealer caught in Cambridge
Burglar went on rampage across Cambridge
Pair smashed window to burgle Wisbech shop
Abuser told victim he would “put her to sleep” as he strangled her
Drug dealer threw stash out of car window
Domestic abuser jailed for almost three years
Jail for man who threatened to kill woman
“Drifter” caused serious injuries to bystander
Millfield convenience store “closed”
You can find more news from the force online here.