Chill For A Day….

Took this photo yesterday – someone Happy…..

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Pathway News This Week……

Pathway News 241012
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An Very Busy Week For Some of Us Councillors….

Not complaining….some weeks busier than others…
Firstly if you think that the road repairs/traffic lights/hold-ups are taking far too long,
then why not sign the petition that WTC have had put on the Cambs CC Website.
Click Here

The for-ever (and more to come) issues surrounding the Saxon Pit (more at the end)
The two somewhat controversial planning applications coming to FDC’s Planning Committee next week, read the story surrounding by going to JE’s CambsNews™
Click Here

Councillors (some) like yourselves can only lobby and influence – some take it seriously and some not.

So maybe a respite for a day or so…..

Saxongate are aware of ongoing odour issues which started around the 4th October 

The area around the A605 end of Snoots Road has been worst affected, but reports have come from as far as Stonald Road, more reports are coming in today (11th October). Saxongate now knows the source and cause of the strong rotten dustbin smell. The Environment Agency (EA) and Cambridgeshire County Council are responsible for the planning and permit controls of the site. We understand that the operator has been informed and given advice to bring the issue under control. We can’t share more details until the “official” statement is published by the relevant authority (EA). We anticipate receiving a full update next week. Please do keep reporting issues in the meantime (see below).

Thanks in part to lobbying from Saxongate members The Environment Agency has created a community briefing page for Saxon Pit (link below). It is still in development but the hope is this will grow and allow the EA to share updates more quickly, help people better understand the site and of course improve reporting. The page also covers Forterra since odour and dust from the Brickwork chimneys has the potential to impact the same receptors (People who might be impacted by the pit). Even if you do not live near the Saxon Pit, please keep in mind that the Residents Group also looks to reduce HGV traffic via the Town and aims to minimise any pollution risk from Industrial Bottom Ash or the local use of Industrial Bottom Ash Aggregate (which are both toxic materials). Saxongate just wants all operators to avoid needless industrial pollution risks and will keep pressing the agencies and councils to ensure companies are following the appropriate rules and guidelines.


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Enjoy The Day – Not Far Away

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Appeal for CCTV Following Thefts in Whittlesey

We are appealing for any CCTV footage and/or witnesses following a spree of theft offences in the Whittlesey area in the early hours of Mon 07/10/2024. 2 males in balaclavas have been seen going around trying door handles for cars and homes. On one occasion, they have been seen in possession of equipment used for stealing keyless ignition vehicles. Confirmed offences have occurred on Snowley Park, Stonald Way, Barnes Way, and Glenfields between the hours of 01:00 and 03:30 on 07/10/2024

If you have any CCTV cameras, please check to see if the offenders are captured. If you have footage or witnessed anything yourself, please get in touch: either use the link below or call 101, and quote the crime reference 35/73450/24

Contact us to update us or ask for an update | Cambridgeshire Constabulary (

For crime prevention and security advice, including advice for securing keyless ignition vehicles, please visit the crime prevention section of our website:

Crime prevention advice | Cambridgeshire Constabulary (

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Update Road Issues – Message From Cllr Boden…..


B1040 Traffic Lights:  The B1040 was opened late yesterday afternoon.  The temporary traffic lights were re-instated by the Dog-in-a doublet a few hours later.  Last week I asked CCC Highways to time these traffic lights to give longer on green on weekday mornings, going towards Peterborough, and longer on weekday evenings on green going towards Whittlesey.  CCC Highways said that they would consult with their contractor Milestone to see if this could be done.  On Wednesday this week CCC confirmed to me that Milestone “would look at extending the ‘green time’ settings”.  I’m writing to CCC this morning to get confirmation of the morning/evening prioritisation I requested.  I’d be grateful for emails from drivers using the B1040 confirming, or otherwise, whether or not Milestone have taken the requested action to prioritise rush hour traffic in the appropriate directions in the morning and afternoon/evening peak hours.


King’s Dyke Traffic Lights:  After having put pressure on CCC Highways about the traffic light timing on the King’s Dyke bridge, I was surprised to learn last week that the ‘man in a van’ we’ve all seen for the past few months there was the Contractor’s (Jones Brothers’) traffic light manager, meant to be controlling the traffic light timings to prioritise letting traffic through to reduce queueing.  I advised CCC Highways that that just hadn’t been working, and that more active traffic light management was needed both earlier than the ‘man in a van’ was turning up in the morning and later after he left in the evening peak hour.  I’m pleased to report that additional measures to monitor traffic management were discussed between CCC Highways and Jones’ management on Tuesday this week, and it was agreed to make the following four changes:

  1. As of Wednesday, Jones Brothers were sending two operatives to the site to patrol both ends of the queueing traffic to communicate the length of the queues to the traffic manager on the bridge who will then adjust the light timings to balance out the queues as much as possible.
  2. Jones Brothers are looking into the possibility of installing cameras along the approaches to the bridge to monitor the traffic so as to optimise the timing of the traffic lights.  In the meantime, two operatives will be on site each weekday to manage the flows as mentioned in point 1.
  3. The Core Highways Officer will in future be on site from 6am to 7pm each weekday, providing the longer hours of active traffic management that I had requested – but please, drivers, report precise details by email to me if you find that there’s no operative on the bridge during those times, and I’ll report it straight away to CCC Highways.
  4. Jones brothers, as a safety measure, will install water-filled barriers along the length of the traffic management area on the bridge across the closed section of carriageway as a safety measure to prevent unauthorised access to the closed off section of road.

Statement from CCC Highways:   I expressed concern at the paucity of information being provided by CCC Highways to local residents.  They agreed to issue a public statement, and did so yesterday.  It read:  “We’d like to provide an update on the number of road closures in Whittlesey and explain the reasons. These are all in place for safety reasons to protect drivers in response to flooding events, and due to subsidence and surface issues which we are working to fully resolve.

There are three emergency road or lane closures currently in place. We’re working hard to minimise the disruption and apologise for the frustrations caused. We are continuing to monitor the impact on traffic and manage the flows as best as possible.

The westbound carriageway, heading to Peterborough, on the Ralph Butcher Causeway at King’s Dyke continues to have one lane temporarily closed while we assess and develop solutions to cracks that have appeared. We’re using two-way traffic lights whilst the lane closure remains in place as we fully investigate the cause of the cracking and what repair work is needed. Until we have undertaken the necessary repair work, the lane closure will remain in place.

Alongside the emergency closure of the Ralph Butcher Causeway, a lane closure was in place in Whittlesey at East Delph (B1040) due to erosion, which has subsequently been subject to a full closure due to flooding. Today, we have heard from the Environment Agency that the levels are dropping and, after the carriageway has been swept, the gates may be open today or tomorrow, subject to the water levels. Once open, there will still be a lane closure in place. We will be carrying out substantial structural repairs which we are working with the contractor to programme as quickly as possible. [subsequently, the B1040 has indeed been opened]

There is also an emergency lane closure on Benwick Road due to subsidence and its cracked and rutted condition – this is one of our soil affected roads. Programmed works will start on this road in late November. This will require a full road closure and involve full reconstruction and resurfacing of the road. Works will conclude at the end of January after which point the road can safely open.

We understand people’s frustrations, but these closures are in place for safety reasons and would urge drivers not to ignore the warning signs. We are continuing to work with our contractors on accelerating the repair work needed as quickly as possible and they are also manually operating the traffic lights at King’s Dyke and Benwick Road, so we can keep traffic moving where possible during peak hours.

We will continue to provide updates, please follow @Cambs_Traffic and signs are in place to help drivers plan in advance and follow alternative routes.”

I’m grateful that CCC Highways have issued this statement, and the information that I have doesn’t contradict any of the points made in their statement.  But I don’t believe that the CCC Highways’ statement is sufficiently candid about the problems we face, and the length of time we face before all problems may be resolved.  To avoid this message being too long, I’ll give you fuller details about my concerns in a further Whittlesey Traffic update later today, which will concentrate on the longer-term issues. 

Cllr Chris Boden  06:00 11/10/24


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Meet The Manager @ Whittlesey

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The Worst-Case Scenario – KD Bridge/Ralph Butcher Causeway

We are talking about an 80 metre bridge – not 800 not 8km – 80 metres – what a total embarrassment £32 Million +++ (unknown)

Plagued with problems from the very beginning, I feel sorry for those including many of us who promoted the idea of the crossing for so, so long.

Will the worse case scenario be the complete rebuilding of the bridge, if so who pays,
my blog last week showed a temporary bridge across the railway line – I thought it was a funny idea – which may now have to come to reality.

With the imminent’ closure of the crossing itself – upgrading of the signalling system, unless that can be delayed and the railway crossing remaining useable (lots of issues)
Who knows…….
Someone said there was some sort of petition going on Social Media – sorry first I’ve heard of it….

Could this be the answer to all our problems – Get (Dads) Army in…

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B1040 RE-Opening at Last….

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Saxon Pit Makes BBC News

BBC Article on Saxon Pit Whittlesey Planning Application  – Johnsons Aggregates Recycling Ltd.

Please see link below – For your information

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Fenland Diverse Communities Forum Wednesday 30th October

This year’s Diverse Communities Forum meeting.  This will be held on Wednesday the 30th October at the Rosmini Centre, 69a Queens Road, Wisbech, PE13 2PH starting at 10am. Looking to end by 1pm with lunch being provided.

The speakers will cover the identified challenges to the local community, will speak about the initiatives in place to support people, as well as funding opportunities and partners thoughts moving forward. A Q&A Session will follow

If you want to have an information stall then please let me know and we will do our best to accommodate all requests, we do ask that all stalls are set up by 9:40am on the day or late afternoon on the day beforehand

 I’m aware of some people telling me that they can/ and can’t make this date but if you intend to attend and you haven’t yet replied can you please let me know if you are attending for catering purposes?

Best wishes and I hope to see you on the 30th October or if not sooner

Kind Regards,

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Controversial Planning Applications #1

F/YR23/0245/O | Erect up to 175 x dwellings (outline application with matters committed in respect of access) | Land South Of 250 Drybread Road Whittlesey Cambridgeshire.
View the Documents (227 documents including public comments) by Clicking Here

This is an outline application (more or less the starting point of the project.

I understand there has been quite a lot of ‘Social Media’ around the applications and some Councillors encouraging contact with the Fenlands Planning Committee member Cllr Elisabeth Sennitt Clough – who lives in the other application area.
All of those who sit on the Planning Committee are supposed to be not pre-determined and Cllr Sennitt Clough has made this known.

This and the other application are ‘wrong’ – FDC Planning Officers have recommended ‘To Approve’ – this is going against The Whittlesey Local Plan – which took a number of years and cost £Thousands to impliment / passed through all the governement agencies.
Now we find that it means very little.

#See the article on JE CambsNews© Click Here

The proposed development is likely to have an impact on the services of the 2 x
GP Practices operating within the vicinity of the application and this is within the development: Jenner Healthcare and Lakeside Healthcare, New Queen Street Surgery.

These practices have a combined registered patient list size of 36,790 and this development of 175 dwellings would see an increase patient pressure of circa 403 new residents which would require additional GP/Nurse / (Admin support) workforce to support increase in appointments : GP = 0.20 / Nurse = 0.14 and Admin = 0.39 with a resulting increase on estate demand of27.60 sqm net internal area.

Below was the original information that the applicant put out, this may have changed.

Allison Homes Drybread Road Whittlesey- Parish Meeting Feb 24

FDC planning committee meets at 1pm on Wednesday, 16th October; it will be live streamed on the council’s YouTube channel.

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