Just Keep On Building #2

I just wonder – When a developer comes along to build 247 houses, do they know the ‘real’ issues that a community is facing.
Do ‘they’ have a moral responsibility in their actions or are they in it to just make money.

I don’t know how many times I’ve used the word ‘travesty’ in several planning applications for Whittlesey.

Even taking out our latest ‘challenges’ of the KD Bridge and the B1040 Traffic Lights/Flooding, our road network has become much much worse having to cope with hundreds of extra housing that has already been delivered and of course many more to come.

Schools come under Cambs CC and there is a legal obligation to provide school places, maybe not always the school of choice.
Doctors and Dentists do not come under the same type of remit and are funded differently.

Did you know that NQS gets from the Government £107 per patient.

We are all fighting for the same things – daily some of us are dealing with these issues, we can not make excuses because there are none.
We rely on the hierarchy at much higher levels – alas very quiet from those in power.

Even when our MP Barclay wrote a letter recently about the possible expansion of waste being processed at Saxon Works – He got his facts wrong – someone didn’t feed him all the correct information -.

We soldier onwards and see what our town has to cope with next….

Perhaps remember my quote –
What Whittlesey Wants – It Usually Doesn’t Get.
What Whittlesey Doesn’t Want – It Usually Gets.

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