Official Opening Of The Manor Fishing Platforms

Unfortunately I am unable to attend tomorrows (Saturday) Official opening of the 14 New Fishing Platforms installed on the Manor side of the Bower.

I am proud to have secured some £9,200 from the National Lottery towards this project.

(Platforms just after install)

Robert Windle Project Manager writes….

Tomorrow (Saturday) we are officially opening the new fishing platforms at 11am just behind the cricket field.  Deputy Lieutenant Rizwan Rahemtulla with be attending as well as the Mayor of Whittlesey Cllr Alex Miscandlon.
We will be showcasing the work of the Whittlesey Small Fry Youth Fishing Club and we will have refreshments available for those attending. 

Those who wish to attend are most welcome  and this is a momentous step for Friends of the Manor and the Whittlesey Sports Association.  

Fishing starts at 10am and will conclude at 2pm .


If anybody would like to have a go then you will be most welcome as we will have equipment available .
We are grateful to the National Lottery, the Environment Agency and many sponsors and supporters who have made this happen .
If you are aware of any youngsters who might be interested then please let them know.

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