Updated Bus Services !!!!! – Crickey Crumbs Not Again !!!!!

Considering, we have been given a ‘newish’ tax to pay the Mayor of The Cambridge and Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) exclusively for Transport, this year being £36:00 per household for a band D property.

The 2021 Census stated there were 44,000 households in Fenland, they may not all be liable for the CPCA Tax but say if 40,000 were.
That would raise some £1.4 Million – I think Crumbs is a vast undestatement.

For some 10 years Ex Cllr David Mason tried on many occasions to engage and get better Bus Services for Whittlesey (& Villages) via Stagecoach – through not fault of his – things went from bad to worse and we lost services including all Sunday Services.

More recently FDC Leader Cllr Chris Boden has been lobbying the Mayor of the CPCA, and got a small concession only.

At last months full FDC meeting WTC Leader Cllr Nawaz gave a speech criticising the CPCA for their lack of investment in Whittlesey/Fenland.

So we now have a proposal on what we are likely to get.

You can find more details on ALL the changes by visiting the CPCA Website Click Here


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