Operation Calibre – Robbery Week of Action

Dear Roy,

This week, we are joining the national campaign ‘Operation Calibre’ to highlight the work that we are doing around robberies.

Robbery is defined in the UK as “the action of taking property unlawfully from a person or place by force or threat of force” – so theft where violence or threats of violence has been present.

To start the week off, we’re offering advice to prevent yourself from becoming a victim.

Know where you’re going:

  • If you are going somewhere that you are unfamiliar with, it is important to plan your route. Make sure that you stick to busy and well-lit streets that are likely to be covered by CCTV.
  • Only take licensed taxis or minicabs that have been booked by phone or an app.

Hide it:

  • When you are out and about, keep any mobile phones and valuables out of sight! Using your phone when walking along increases the chances of it being snatched from your hand as you’re not paying much attention to your surroundings.

It is important to be on high alert, sadly across the country there have been cases where some individuals opt to use mopeds or bikes to ride up alongside their victim and take their belongings as they pass.

Protect your phone:

  • Mobile phones come with countless security features that you can use to protect your phone if it does ever get stolen.
  • Most phones include a tracking app to see where the device is.
  • You can turn off message previews so the person with the phone cannot see any reset codes.
  • Make sure that your phone is regularly backed up so the data can be accessed elsewhere.
  • You should keep a note of your phone’s IMEI number. This can be found in your settings or by typing *#06#.

If you have been robbed or see a robbery in progress, please call 999 immediately. Don’t risk your personal safety… property can be replaced, you can’t.

More information on keeping yourself safe can be found on our dedicated webpages.

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