Fenland Officers Receive Policing Awards

Whittlesey PC amonst thosereceiving awards – Justin was born and schooled in Whittlesey.

We’re extremely proud of two of our Fenland neighbourhood policing officers – PC Justin Bielawski and PC Jamie Cole – who were shortlisted as part of our Safer Cambridgeshire Annual Awards ceremony on Friday evening.

PC Bielawski, from our Wisbech Neighbourhood Policing Team, picked up TWO trophies.

A finalist for “Police Officer of the Year” last year, Justin was named “Unsung Hero” this year for his pivotal role in working with partners to find solutions to local problems and having an outstanding ability to develop and maintain key relationships in the community. His can-do approach to problem solving really sets him apart from others, and he endeavours to find the right solution on all occasions – not just the easiest. Not only taking a leading role on Operation Luscombe in the town centre, he has been instrumental to all success in the Wisbech neighbourhood team – his Fenland team feel lucky to have him.

Often receiving high praise from colleagues outside of our organisation, Justin just brushes it off as ‘his job’, but we see the passion and dedication he has, which goes above and beyond.

Justin also received a very special award, as Chief Constable Nick Dean chose him as his overall “Grand Prix Employee of the Year”, chosen from all award winners on the night.

His nominations showed what an exceptional officer Justin is, how highly regarded he is by his colleagues and the community he serves, and absolutely deserves recognition of the highest order for the outstanding police officer he is.

PC Cole, from our Neighbourhood Policing Team in March, was a very worthy finalist in the “Police Officer of the Year” category.

Pictured above left to right: DC Stu Taylor (Police Federation representative who sponsored the award), PC Jamie Cole (finalist), PC Guy Cunningham (winner), Sgt Lauren Hart (finalist) and Chief Constable Nick Dean

Jamie was shortlisted for his strong work ethic, dedication and commitment to his community and neighbourhood policing, repeatedly going above and beyond what is expected of him. He consistently shows his commitment to neighbourhood policing and has built excellent relationships with the public and problem-solving community issues, resulting in saved time and money for the organisation, as well as helping divert young people from a life of crime. Setting the benchmark high, Jamie tutors new officers, showing perseverance and patience to get the best out of his teammates.

We’re so proud to have you has part of our team here in Fenland, congratulations gentlemen!

You can read more about the awards and winners on our website here.

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