FDC Cabinet Meeting Today 20th November

The Manor Leisure Centre Future – Could cost upwards of £5 Million.

At todays meeting, within the agenda pack is an update of what is required to maintain/replaced 3 of Fenlands Leisure Centres.
I have been campaigning and lobbying for some considerable time now along with the recently formed ‘Friends of the Manor’ Group for a ‘plan’ for the Leisure Centres.

Intrim we have secured new fencing and lighting for the Tennis/Netball Courts along with  the surface being improved, myself and ex Cllr Mason lobbied for this over the past 18 months.

It is known that the Manor is aging and requires major investments to maintain it, the alternative would be to replace the main building and ‘add’ a new facility onto the swimming pool.

You can read the options and recommendations being put before FDC Cabinet by visiting FDC website Click Here
Go to the report pack document – Item 7

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