Here Comes Another Large Planning Application

F/YR23/0245/O | Erect up to 175 x dwellings (outline application with matters committed in respect of access) | Land South Of 250 Drybread Road Whittlesey Cambridgeshire.

(This is an ‘outline application’ – as above)
More details will follow as the application progresses.

You can view the application along with other documents and Public Comments/Objections by visiting FDC Planning Portal Click Here

As with the recent application for Showfields, our New Queen Street Surgery, commented..

4.1 The existing GP practices do not have capacity to accommodate the
additional growth resulting from the proposed development.
development would generate approximately 139 residents and
subsequently increased the demand and healthcare pressures upon the
existing services..

4.2 The primary healthcare services directly impacted by the proposed
development and the current capacity position.

I am no planning expert and have had only very basic training on planning law, however, District Councillors along with Planning Oficers at FDC are in a much better position in respect of ‘Planning Policy’.

My question and point is that after the very disappointing
turn around by some Councillors at the FDC Planning meeting re-Showfields to accept the application.

Why is little or no weight given to our Medical Infrastructure (NQS and Jenner Health)
applied. With major developments along Eastrea Road will add even more ‘stress’ to our already overloaded medical facilities.

Surely looking at the below criteria this is a serious loss of amenities to local residents.

From FDC’s Planning Portal…
Q Can I comment on a planning application?

Yes you can.
There is a time limit to receiving comments but sometimes an officer may
accept them after 21 days of consultation. This is at the discretion of the planning officer.
These are the type of comments that would be relevant.

• The scale, appearance and design of the proposal;

• The effect of the proposal on the amenities of local residents, including loss of light,
overlooking, loss of privacy, noise and disturbance;

• The impact of the proposal on the character of the area and whether the use is

• The impact of the proposal on highway safety and parking;

• The impact of the proposal on nature conservation and trees;

• The effect of the proposal on the character and appearance of a Conservation Area;

• The effect of the proposal on the special architectural or historic interest of a Listed

If you have objections or concerns you can make your comments know by either post/e-mail or visiting the Planning Portal.

Drybread Road already a ‘rat run’ – Decoy Lake Road, is single carriage way and will become a ‘rat run’ – none of this is material planning policy for objecting…..

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