It Was HOT – MOTS This Afternoon

Along with several other Councillors, we did our ‘Stewarding H&S’ of the event – as usual I did the 12:00 to 17:00 shift and it was hot.
The numbers attending appeared slightly down on other events, but everyone on the whole enjoyed themselves.
Cllr Eamonn Dorling had his ‘clicker’ with him and recorded a maximum of 394 at 15:40

At this weeks full council meeting there is on the agenda – item for next years events to be debated.
As many are aware I ran a ‘poll’ to see whether the events should be moved or rotated – unfortunately the ‘poll’ became corrupted due to multi-voting.

Restaurateur Chris Newman – final day at Homme Nouveau – Closing down.

At 17:00 when I went home via The Manor Field – it was deserted…..

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