Tomorrow is a very important day for Whittlesey. The Johnsons Aggregates Planning Application CCC/21/024 is being heard and discused at Cambridgeshire County Council Planning Committee. This 2 years of planning has resulted in ‘Officers’ recommending approval of the application.
Over the past 2 years I and a small number of concerned residents have tried to keep as many informed as possible. The more recent SaxonGate Residents Group have made a big leap in resident communications.
I will be attending the meeting to put forward Whittlesey Town Councils objections and concerns, Mr. Stephen Hodson will respresent the SaxonGate Group.
We have only 5 minutes each to put our case.
Cambs County Councillor Chris Boden will also speak on our case.
You can watch the proceedings on the Councils Youtube account from 10:00am
( through which you are able to view and listen to the debate.
You can also follow along on Twitter with the hashtag #CCCmtgs