I have lost count on the number of times, Whittlesey Town Council Planning Committee, have made decisions on planning grounds (as consultees) only for Fenland District Council Planning Committee to overturn what we local Councillors have decided.
Today our FDC (Whittlesey) Councillors on the committee declared their interests and took no part in debate or voting which is the correct process.
On one application (The Conservative Club), the rest of the Committee had their hands tied in that there have been similar applications to build in Car Parks, that said, no mention what-so-ever that WTC had recommended refusal.
No mention of the safety of the new residents or public sharing the access with vehicles and no weight to the protected Mud Wall.
The 2nd application Pings Yard, took all of 10 minutes a basic debate – again WTC had recommended refusal.
Makes the public wonder why we even bother.
You can watch via livestream on You-Tube (best to have an account)