Cabinet Office Message…

Dear Roy,
Yesterday in the House of the Commons, the Prime Minister outlined the content of the Government’s publication ‘Living with COVID’.

​​​The key messages include:​​​​​

  • Ending of legal requirement to self isolate following a positive test result from 24 February. 
  • End of routine contact tracing on 24 February.
  • Ending of free testing for the general public from 1 April.
  • Ending of guidance for voluntary COVID-status certification for certain venues from 1 April.

The Press Notice on the Prime Minster’s announcement can be read here.

The publication ‘Living with COVID’ can be read in full here.

Further details on ‘Living with COVID’ will be sent you on Thursday this week in the weekly COVID-19 Stakeholder Communications Toolkit.

There is an opportunity to hear more on what these changes mean for your communities at the Communities Webinar next week on Wednesday 2 March at 11 am. Claire Pimm, Director of  National Resilience Hub Cabinet Office will present the government plan. As is usual for these Webinars, there will be ample opportunity to put your questions forward. 

If you would like to submit your questions in advance please email [email protected].

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