What’s Happening With The Monastery?

At next weeks WTC Planning Meeting on the Agenda is F/YR22/1006 –
To view application and documents –
Click Here – FDC Planning Portal
On Market Street there is a building which has been known locally as ‘The Monastery’
(debate whether it actually was). Some 6 years ago a local businessman Mr Peter Grice, spent a considerable amount in renovating the building, during this time a number of ‘paintings on the walls were discovered’ – these were looked at by experts and reports were written.
The plan was for accomodation in the form of a small (boutique hotel) and cafe, however worked stopped for some reason and since 2018 has been left more or less unattended.
The plans submitted now include all accomodation/and an extention at the rear, retail on the ground floor front.
The building sits within Whittlesey Conservation area and has to conform with the legislation for that type of building.

Another project which will see the re-opening of a long time closed off building.

Problem – always, lots of accomodation within the block, some have cars where do they park…. Market Street believe it has a 2 hour parking limit – try telling that to some that park 24/7 and wonder why shoppers can not park nearby.

Original 2016 indicative plans

Some of the artwork within the building

Reovation work 06th December 2017 ©RG

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