Further to Mondays update (Community Briefing Note from The Environment Agency).
I can report that Mr Stephen Rice, the Land Agent/Chartered Surveyor acting on behalf of East Midlands Waste, requested a meeting with Whittlesey Town Councillors to give a presentation on the remediation and restoration proposals that have been formerly approved by The Environment Agency.
8 Councillors (including myself) attended the pre-arranged meeting at 18:30 last night.
Mr Rice, gave a very ‘slick’ and ‘professional’ presentation, naturally he knows the subject well and was very fluent in his delivery.
Some parts of the presentation he asked to remain confidential, which I have to accept as it makes no bearing on our ‘issues/concerns’ and deals with future business plans for the site.
Mr Rice explained in detail how/where the restoration of the buttresses will be engineered.
He explained how the ‘French Drain’ will work.
He explained on the testing of water and gas will take place and be monitored for the future.
The presentation took around 25 minutes. The Chairman then invited Councillors questions….
Only myself and one other Councillor asked questions. Leader of FDC and WTC/CCC Cllr Boden was not present at the meeting.
I stated that the people of Whittlesey were and are disappointed in that 122,858 tonnes of illegal and hazardous waste had been deposited at the Saxon Pit.
I questioned, how the water and gas management will take place, the monitoring infrastructure.
Unfortunately I have still not received the ‘chemical analysis’ of the hazardous waste, even though the EA has passed these figures onto Fenland District Council.
The success of ‘our campaign’ is that, ‘if’ the original lady who reported smells, had not been very determined and not fobbed off by the EA and others, the chances are that further considerable amounts of ‘illegal/none-conforming’ waste may have ended up in the Saxon Pit over months or even years.
I have re-attached the briefing note, which explains the EA answers.
So – as far as The Saxon Pit/East Midlands Waste concerns and issues are, we have reached the end of the road for this.
The lobbying and campaign will still carry on, in respect of future planning at the site.
It is deemed to be a Waste and Minerals site, and as such we have to rely on the EA to do their job properly – something I and others believe has not been happening in the past.
I’d like to thank everyone, who supported not only myself, the nearby residents but the whole community which would have been further affected by the none-conforming waste.
Onwards and Upwards – The Campaign Continues.
With regards,
Roy G…
Saxon Pit Community Briefing - June 2021