Community Information Updates…

Discretionary Grants – Second Round
We are now accepting applications for the second round of grants from the Discretionary Grant Fund. These grants are available to small and micro businesses in our region which were not eligible for the Small Business Grant Fund, the Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant Fund or the first round of the Discretionary Grants Fund.

The deadline for applications is 9am on Monday 27th July, after which we will assess all applications and provide grants based on the amount of funding available and the needs of the applicant. No grant payments will be made until after the application period has finished. If you know any local businesses which may benefit from this grant, please encourage them to visit the Advice for Businesses page on our website for more information.

Please find attached the June newsletters released by FACT (one has been sent to members and the second one has been added to residents shopping boxes and distributed elsewhere)

Keeping Workers and customer safe during Covid-19 (Restaurants, pubs and bars)

The attached guidance has been released in relation to the above. This guidance applies to both employers and employees.

(RG Note this is a 49 page document and is a large file to post here if anyone wishes to read it please contact me – details on the top toolbar)

Citizens Advice Rural Cambs
Please find attached a leaflet released by CAB with advice of how to access CARC during COVID-19.

NHS Volunteers Responders
Following the government’s recent announcement in relation to those individuals shielding, the NHS Volunteer Responder service will continue to accept new referrals. Volunteers provide support with shopping, picking up prescriptions, patient transport (this can only be requested via a healthcare professional) or phoning for ‘check-in and chat’ calls. Posters and leaflets are available to download and share digitally, or to print and promote through your extended networks.

(RG Note Whittlesey & District Neighbourhood Watch is still supporting this initiative)

I’m aware that as a number of businesses return to work, the availability of your current volunteers may reduce. Please let us know if you need any additional support and we will liaise with partners to see if we can assist in any way.
If you require any further information or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me!

Kind regards
Izzi Hurst
Fenland District Council Covid-19 Support Team

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