Traffic Chaos Looming

An hour after the lorry shed its load in the Pondersbridge area, leaving only North Bank/B1040/Thorney Road as the main route to/from Peterborough (unless you go via Guyhirn!)….we returned via North Bank to find:-

1/ Vehicle broken down blocking one side of the road.

2/ Another vehicle 100 metres further along ran out of petrol – saw the gent returning along the road with petrol can in hand…

3/ Just as we approached the D-In-D Locks – an ambulance turned around in the road ahead with ‘Blues Flashing’ – 2 minutes later another ambulance came by with Blues Flashing’ we heard that there had been a prang in the Storeys Bar Road area.

Just got to live with this – as the Kings Dyke Crossing gets going any accidents on our access roads is going to be quite challenging to say the least…

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