Cambridgeshire Police HMRC self-employed fraud alert

Please be aware of a fraudulent text message aimed at the self-employed.

An apology to the quality of the image, but it is enough enought for your to recognise it, should you, friends or family receive one.
The threat comes from clicking on the blue link within the body of the text or the ‘view in browser if there is a hyperlink behind it.

Don’t click on links within emails, text messages, instant messages unless you are confident that the sender is genuine.
Criminals can spoof or hide themselves behind what looks like an official sender.

If you are unsure as to the authenticity of the sender, don’t click on any link but login to your HMRC account using the tried, tested and trusted method via the website.

Note as well the ‘Dear Customer’ introduction, I would expect a name to be there, but even if it does that does not mean it is genuine.

Mr Nigel Sutton 8517
Cyber Protect Officer
Serious & Organised Crime (Intelligence and Specialist Crime Department)

Cambridgeshire Constabulary

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