You can view the Environment Agencies Community Briefing with associated links by..
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There are telephone numbers within this document to call if you have concerns/complaints or other issues.
I have been actively involved in the issues for over 8 years, and was very pleased that the Saxongate Residents Group was formed as one of the main means of communication for residents.
Saxongate keep me informed on their communications and attend some of their meetings.
I have been extremely concerned over all these years, of the issues created by industrial site(s) and that no solutions have been offered or found for residents.
Saxongate statement….
People can contact us on this email or via Facebook if they wish to join :-
Please do keep reporting any issues and we will endeavour to keep pushing forward.
If you suffer any noise, smells or dust please do still report it to the Environment Agency 24/7 on 0800 80 70 60
You can also email [email protected] or call 01354 654321.
see = for Noise, smoke, smell or light problems – Fenland District Council
If you have any photos or videos or logs of issues (from your homes, gardens, roads or public land) please let us know and share them with us.
EA - Saxon Community Briefing(Click on the bottom left corner to advance/retard the pages)