Healthwatch Summit Wednesday 02nd October.

There were about 70 or so attendee’s, many from Health Service Providers.
Some Senior Management and CEO’s of Health Service Providers along with
The Combined Authority Mayor Nick Johnson gave presentations.
There were a breakout group session(s)

Myself and Bob Wicks attended in our personal capacities.

The basic messages were ‘Transformation’.
The addressing issues of inequalities within the whole Health Service.
Access to services and of course the capacity of being able to see a doctor.

That said the message was and will be to carry on – In that there are now more people seeing a support health-workers because a direct doctors appointment may not be necessary and pharmacies are taking up some of the workload.

There was mention, of Health Centres (smaller ones) and Pharmacies closing being of concern.

4 years ago the then ‘Clinical Commissioning Group’ (CCG) was funded by £1 Billion for Cambs and Peterborough, today a new group ‘Intregated Care System/Boards’ are funded to £4 Billion –

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