Update From Saxongate Group – Inc WTC Objection to Latest Planning Application.

There is quite a lot of reading here – However it is VERY important that ‘if’ you have any issues with ∇ Dust – Noise or Smells ∇ – then you can use some or all the information that is contained within these documents and make YOUR own representations.

How to make a comment :-  Just search for the application reference (CCC/21/024/FUL) on the planning portal. Public comments will not be published:-

You can also comment on the planning application in the following ways:

  • electronically via the Planning register (during the consultation period only)
  • by email [email protected]
  • by post – County Planning, Minerals, and Waste Team, Box ALC2613, New Shire Hall, Emery Crescent, Alconbury Weald, Huntingdon, PE28 4YE
  • delivery in person to Cambridgeshire County Council Reception.
    We also need to grow our membership so do pass on our details. People can contact us on this email or via Facebook if they wish to join

    Please do keep reporting any issues and we will endeavour to keep pushing forward. If you suffer any noise, smells or dust please do still report it to the Environment Agency 24/7 on 0800 80 70 60

    You can also You can also email [email protected] or call 01354 654321.

    Saxongate Letter Info 240926-01

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