Friends of The Manor Meeting

Another group, which I am proud to have been a founding member of.

Friends of the Manor Bi Monthly Meeting
Tuesday 10th September 2024 – 18:30


Chairmans Welcome –

Apologies – Cllr Eamonn Dorling (ED)

Minutes of the Last meeting Tuesday 10th June 2024

Matters Arising from the Minutes 

Treasurers Update – RW in ED abscence

Fishing platforms Update (RW ) 

Anti Social Behaviour (RS)- updates

Event and activities – Big Bash  22nd June 2025 / Golden Age Fair 20th Sept 24 Eastrea

Manor Centre Update  David Crooke  or representative or Alex Miscandlon

Any other business- Manor Beacon update and AOB with the Chairmans permission

The Future of the Tennis Courts Update  (Peter Bibb)

Date of next meeting AGM Tuesday 12th November 2024  6.30pm.

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