Saxon – Planning Application to Increase Capacity

CCC/24/091/VAR | Importation, storage, processing including use of trommel, picking and recycling of incinerator bottom ash (IBA) and construction and demolition (C&D) waste, for exportation for use as incinerator bottom ash secondary aggregates (IBAA) Informative: S73 planning application to vary conditions 5 (Approved plans & documents); 6 (Hours of operation); 15 (Vehicle movements); 21 (Annual throughput of waste); and 25 (Stockpile heights) of planning permission CCC/21/024/FUL to increase: the quantity of waste imported to the site, number of HGV movements, stockpile heights and hours of operation within building
1; make changes to the layout of plant; and to crush and screen IBA/IBAA and C&D waste .

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There is a lot of reading and information to take in.

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