Office Of Police & Crime Commissioner Newsletter

Putting Communities First.

Have your say on a new Police and Crime Plan

As your Police and Crime Commissioner, one of my most important jobs is to produce a Police and Crime Plan which sets out your policing priorities for the Chief Constable to deliver across the county over the next four years.

Your feedback is important to me so please take a few minutes to take part in my short, online survey. Your responses will help influence future policing priorities.

Complete my survey

Right care, right person scheme saves hundreds of hours of police time

Right Person, Right Care, a scheme introduced by the Constabulary at the end of last year is already saving police officer hours according to recent data

The initiative aims to ensure people needing support for mental health, medical or social care issues are dealt with by the right agency. With the first phase focussing on ‘concern for welfare’, a total of 447 police officers hours, on average, every month, have already been saved

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Crime Prevention

Security day puts farmers in the driving seat of crime prevention

Rural police officers joined farming leaders and agricultural experts at a security day(Tuesday 18th June) exploring the latest techniques and technology available to prevent and deter crime.

The event, hosted by Cambridgeshire Countryside Watch (CCW) in Haslingfield, showcased advanced crime prevention tools including security hardware, tracking products and farm safety apps. It also enabled farmers and rural business owners to raise their concerns with representatives of the county’s Rural Crime Action Team (RCAT), CCW and the National Farmers’ Union and receive an update on the work of the force and my team to crack down on rural crime

Supporting Victims and Witnesses

Protecting survivors of domestic abuse

Domestic abuse in all its forms is taken very seriously in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

Alongside the robust pursuit of justice for survivors, we fund a range of specialist support services to protect victims of domestic abuse and aid their emotional and physical recovery.

Robust Enforcement

Response officers recognised for bravery and commitment

As national Response Policing Week was observed across the UK, we paid tribute to our own response heroes in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, highlighting the difficult job they do to protect the public.

Response policing is challenging and highly unpredictable. It sees officers attending everything from serious and fatal road traffic collisions through to street robberies and homicides. They deserve the highest recognition and gratitude for the work they do serving the public

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Detectives seize cash and illegal drugs in Peterborough raids

Cash worth £10k and cannabis with a street value of £48k have been seized as part of an operation to disrupt the supply of illegal drugs and organised crime.

Seven properties were raided in the Millfield area of Peterborough as part of a joint operation between the Eastern Region Special Operations Unit (ERSOU), Cambridgeshire Constabulary, His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC), immigration services and Peterborough City Council.

During the raids, police also seized 73kg of suspected illegal tobacco and more than 22,000 suspected illicit cigarettes.

Thank you for reading my newsletter

I am honoured to serve as your Police and Crime Commissioner and hope to meet many of you during my travels across our county this summer. If you would like to get in touch, please visit my website for further details.

Darryl Preston

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