Update NHW 10th July

The Euro Football did not stop 11 Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators attending the meeting last night…..we had a shortish meeting so was done by just passed 8pm – back for the football.

We discussed all the issues below and a few others.

Tonights open meeting – which I would invite anyone to attend, will be for residents/members to inform us of their concerns.

I will inform of the ‘stakeholders meeting’ concerns issues/vandalism at the Manor Field.

Future of the Picnic Benches at the Manor Field.

Update on the Netball Courts/Tennis Couts.

Manor Leisure Centre (All Leisure Centres) consultation for the future.

The Giant Hogweed issues near the Bower River.

Crime and ASB (Anti-Social Behaviour) Updates.

7 pm through the centre gate – Council Chamber – Peel House – Queen Street.

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