Coates Holy Trinity Closed Until Further Notice


Some of you might be aware that we had some masonry fall from the roof of Holy Trinity Church in Coates over the weekend. Today we have been advised to close Holy Trinity Church, and the main access to the Churchyard (due to its proximity to the church building), until the rest of the masonry on the roof can be inspected and declared safe. We do not take this decision lightly, and we hope that such an inspection can be carried out as soon as possible, that services and events might resume as normal. 

Until such an inspection has taken place, please be advised that all services and events in Holy Trinity will be suspended with immediate effect. We will update you as soon as we know that we can safely re-open Holy Trinity and the main access to the Churchyard.

Thank you for your understanding and thank you for your prayers as Holy Trinity speaks to our insurers and seeks to work out the best way forward.

God bless,

Rev. Emily Davis
Team Rector

Pathway Church • The Church of England in Whittlesey, Pondersbridge & Coates

Office: 01733 205 337

Mobile: 07464 292353

Email: [email protected]

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