Oh Dr Haq – what an embarrassment (again)

Conservative councillor loses the plot and threatens £7M for Fenland town.
The full story on Whittlesey & Fenland councillor Dr Haq Nawaz can be read
on the Cambs Times by John Elworthy by Clicking Here

March residents and councillors have fought for ‘years’ to get funding in place for ‘MATS’ –
The March Area Transport Study’ and in a moment of what-ever the unpredictable Dr Haq has derailed (maybe temporary) the final stage of getting that £7m.

He may have had his motive for Whittlesey – but has not in anyway understood the agenda item.

It is not the first time Dr Haq has made a somewhat blunder – he quite oftens speaks eloquently on a completely unrelated subject to what the agenda or anyone else maybe speaking about.

He and I had a somewhat disagreement over his plan for a ‘Flag Pole’ for Peel House (Council Offices) – He got quotes for some £4,000 (yes for a flag pole) – no mention of how it would be fixed or where services like gas or electricty maybe in the way.

After a few bouts in the ring with him, I eventually was tasked with the job, and the flag pole you see, fitted with a flag £250
not £4,000 that he wanted to spend your money on.

Recently Mr Steve Robertson, who regularly attends Councill meetings has asked Dr. Haq – what his role as ‘leader of the Council was’ – No reply or response.
He asked later what had the leader done during his time as leader  – No reply or response.

Dr Haq is a strategic thinker – way above a Town/District Council leavel and has hopes may be becoming something much higher up in the political spectrum – ?

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