You Can Take MP Barclays Advice and Vote For Someone Local

MP Steve Barclay in his promo video stated that he was a good candidate for several reasons! – one being he lived locally and knows the area, whereas other candidates do not.
(General Election)
Now we have a By-Election for the St Andrews Ward, Whittlesey South.
One of the candidates does not live here at all
Mr Clayton Maxwell Payne, who wouldn’t give his address on the election notice (perfectly legal) however I found he lives in Murrow near Wisbech 13+ miles away and doubt if he knows anything about our town and villages.

So Mr Barclays point of voting for someone local sounds to be good advice.

Local candidates being Mr Martin Curtis (Independent) who has spent most of his life here in Whittlesey and Mr Peter Bibb also (Independent) has lived here for well over 20 years

Of course we already have two Councillors who do not live in Whittlesey, Town Councillors Diana Dickinson and Cllr Saeed Arman (Both live in Peterborough within the criteria for standing for elections in Whittlesey).

Martins new website is

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