Sundays Parody – Serious Not?

With the somewhat sudden early retirement of ex Cllr Kay Mayor, there are now (two) vacancies for South Mary’s South (District)/St Andrews (Whittlesey Town)

I am the other elected Ward Councillor for Whittlesey South (District)/South Ward (Whittlesey South) until the next elections (if I last that long!).

I understand Two Independents will put up for the vacant seat(s) Martin Curtis (Ex Councillor) for the Fenland District seat and Peter Bibb for the Whittlesey Town Council seat.
Elections probably to be held on July 04th.

Naturally I am supporting both of the candidates….

So at yesterdays Coates Village Fete, Kay and Martin
had a photo opportunity – to which I asked the question –

‘You will be supporting this candidate then’ –

To which Kay replied No comment!

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