Well Done (Again) StreetPride Volunteers

In September 2010 we were given another ‘boat’ for our Gateway Projects, as can be seen in these photo’s from 13 years ago, many of the Team StreetPride are still making good our Town.
During my chairmanship we also completed 4 other Gateway Projects along with over 250,000 daffodils.

I believe if you can make a Gateway Project into a town, –
It says ‘Welcome – Someone Cares’

Boats no more – Eastrea Road replaced…. A BIG thanks to KESH’s Supermaket who have
sponsored the site from 2010

Visit SP Website https://whittleseastreetpride.wordpress.com/

Photo’s Chris Brudenell & PT 2010 (click on pictures to enlarge)

Photo’s – PD@SP
The new surround for the flower garden at Guildenburg Crescent installed.
Thanks to Alan Hobbs Project Manager Rtd.
Dick & Phil Green along with Michael Weston and Peter Davies. It all began at crack of dawn, dismantling the old boat and rebuilding the new surround, the new earth was delivered and new signs placed. We must thank our sponsor Keshs food stores who paid for it plus Whittlesey Skip Hire for the earth.
A big thank you also, to those who attended and made this all possible.

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